Hardwood floors
Having hardwood floors in your home is a great way to make your home look nice and add value to it. They are soft and warm underfoot. However, they do have some drawbacks, and you should be aware of them before deciding to install them in your home. These problems aren’t always serious, but they can cause your floor to become damaged over time.
One problem that can arise with hardwood flooring is the possibility of damage from pets or water. You’ll need to clean up spills quickly and ensure that the spills are dried thoroughly. Also, if your pet has claws, be sure to keep them away from the floor. Pets can scratch or dent the surface of the wood, which can lead to permanent damage. The flooring can be repaired through a refinishing process.
Another issue is that some of the cheaper materials used to manufacture the core of the floor can off-gas chemicals. If you have allergies or sensitive respiratory issues, you should consider opting for another flooring type.
Hardwood flooring is very durable, but it can be damaged from scratching, and it can show signs of wear and tear over time. Because of this, it’s a good idea to get a professional to install it.
The top layer of the hardwood flooring is prone to cracking, especially if the subfloor is wet. When the water seeps through the wood, it can also create a breeding ground for molds. Even if the damage isn’t permanent, it can cause your floor to look shabby, and you may have to replace it. It’s a good idea to fill any gaps with construction adhesive.
There are a number of different wood species, colors, and types of wood flooring available. You’ll want to choose the kind of wood that will work best with your overall decor. For example, hardwood flooring with yellow undertones can provide a nice visual warmth. Typically, you’ll see hardwoods like pine, birch, and oak.
If you’re considering installing hardwood, consider the amount of traffic that your room gets. In high-traffic rooms, it’s best to go with a type of wood with a higher Janka rating. Similarly, if you live in an area with a lot of sun, your hardwood floor may fade or change color.
Regardless of the wood you choose, you’ll need to invest in a quality cleaning product. Oil-based products can be hazardous to your health and should be avoided by allergy sufferers. Water-based cleaners can easily break down the glue that holds the layers of the wood together and can make the floor less durable.
Hardwoods are expensive, so you’ll want to keep your budget in mind. Installation costs range from $6 to $12 per square foot, and the materials themselves typically cost between $3 and $7. This cost doesn’t include labor. Generally, most homeowners to recoup the total cost of installation when they sell their house. So, if you decide to install wood in your home, you can expect to recoup the majority of the price you paid for it.