sqft Archives - Page 4 of 7 - VFO Flooring
  • On Sale

    Karelia, Urban Soul Collection 8 ‘ Long Plank Hardwood Flooring in Smoked Oak Color

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    Make a style statement with Oak light smoked matt 3s engineered wood by Karelia, featuring the unique beauty of oak species. Natural distinctive graining meets hand-carved texture to create a striking, one-of-a-kind visual on every board. It’s a fresh and exciting version of the modern look.

    * Karelia Night Smoked Oak Matt 3S – 3 rayas por tabla
    Haga una declaración de estilo con la madera de roble clara ahumada 3s diseñada por Karelia, que presenta la belleza única de las especies de roble. El granulado distintivo natural se combina con la textura tallada a mano para crear una imagen impactante y única en cada tablero. Es una versión fresca y emocionante del aspecto moderno.
    Original price was: $9.16.Current price is: $3.49. sq. ft.

  • Laminate Molding Reducers – Cinnamon

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  • Lion, Natural Essence Plus Collection 60″ x 9″ x 6.5 mm SPC Vinyl Flooring in Seqouia Color – Prices so low, we can’t advertise them on internet or in print. Call us for more info!!

    0 out of 5

    Sequoia SPC Flooring Natural Essence Plus Collection by Lions  Floor is featured with 0.5mm thickness, with a registered embossing finish. We offer a 10 Years Warranty on commercial a 50 Years residential.

  • Lion’s Floor – Trenta Collection – Crown Pebble – SPC Vinyl – Prices so low, we can’t advertise them on internet or in print. Call us for more info!!

    0 out of 5

    Double slabs of solid LVT layer on top and bottom between the central PVC core using high pressure & heat to get the triple-layered parts into one stable unit, making it more stable & durable than any other luxury vinyl products.

  • On Sale
    Modern Chic 12mm Laminate Flooring

    Lions Floor, Bloom Collection 48″ x 11.8″ x 1/2 ” Laminate Flooring in Modern Chic Color

    0 out of 5

    Lions Floor has crafted the beautiful Bloom Collection to make your home living a pure enjoyment. The unparalleled attention to detail and unique embossing technique takes the Bloom Collection practically indistinguishable from natural wood floors. Equipped with moisture-resistant waxed edges and premium quality decoration film, these exquisite laminates provide you the peace of mind you deserve . Welcome to the Lions Floor family, where living in luxury is affordable.

    *Lions Floor ha creado la hermosa colección Bloom para hacer de su hogar un placer puro. La atención incomparable al detalle y la técnica de estampado única hacen que la Colección Bloom sea prácticamente indistinguible de los pisos de madera natural. Equipados con bordes encerados resistentes a la humedad y películas decorativas de primera calidad, estos exquisitos laminados le brindan la tranquilidad que se merece. Bienvenido a la familia Lions Floor, donde vivir en el lujo es asequible.

    Original price was: $3.06.Current price is: $1.99. sq. ft.

  • On Sale

    Lions Floor, Bloom Collection 48″ x 11.8″ x 1/2 ” Laminate Flooring in Moon Shadow Color

    0 out of 5

    Lions Floor has crafted the beautiful Bloom Collection to make your home living a pure enjoyment. The unparalleled attention to detail and unique embossing technique takes the Bloom Collection practically indistinguishable from natural wood floors. Equipped with moisture-resistant waxed edges and premium quality decoration film, these exquisite laminates provide you the peace of mind you deserve. Welcome to the Lions Floor family, where living in luxury is affordable.

    * Lions Floor ha creado la hermosa colección Bloom para hacer de su hogar un placer puro. La atención incomparable al detalle y la técnica de estampado única hacen que la Colección Bloom sea prácticamente indistinguible de los pisos de madera natural. Equipados con bordes encerados resistentes a la humedad y películas decorativas de primera calidad, estos exquisitos laminados le brindan la tranquilidad que se merece. Bienvenido a la familia Lions Floor, donde vivir en el lujo es asequible.

    Original price was: $3.06.Current price is: $1.99. sq. ft.

  • On Sale

    Lions Floor, Bloom Collection 48″ x 7.5″ x 1/2 ” Laminate Flooring in Arctic Color

    0 out of 5

    Lions Floor has crafted the beautiful Bloom Collection to make your home living a pure enjoyment. The unparalleled attention to detail and unique embossing technique takes the Bloom Collection practically indistinguishable from natural wood floors. Equipped with moisture-resistant waxed edges and premium quality decoration film, these exquisite laminates provide you the peace of mind you deserve. Welcome to the Lions Floor family, where living in luxury is affordable.

    *Lions Floor ha creado la hermosa colección Bloom para hacer de su hogar un placer puro. La atención incomparable al detalle y la técnica de estampado única hacen que la Colección Bloom sea prácticamente indistinguible de los pisos de madera natural. Equipados con bordes encerados resistentes a la humedad y películas decorativas de primera calidad, estos exquisitos laminados le brindan la tranquilidad que se merece.

    Original price was: $2.59.Current price is: $1.99. sq. ft.

  • Lions Floor, Natural Essence Plus Collection 60″ x 9″ x 6.5 mm SPC Vinyl Flooring in Foresta Color – Prices so low, we can’t advertise them on internet or in print. Call us for more info!!

    0 out of 5

    Introducing the latest addition to the Lions Floor family of exquisite SPC flooring lines. Natural Essence. It offers rich, distinct colors and textures with the latest registered embossing technology that locks and feels and durability. The new durable virgin white underlayment offers the latest in durability and functionality with a regal style that no other flooring line can match. Natural Essence represents both luxury and supreme craftsmanship and is crafted with the highest environmentally, friendly standards. Welcome to the Lions Floor family, where living luxury is affordable.

    * Presentamos la última incorporación a la familia Lions Floor de exquisitas líneas de pisos SPC. Esencia natural Ofrece colores y texturas ricos y distintos con la última tecnología de estampado registrada que bloquea y siente y durabilidad. La nueva base duradera de color blanco virgen ofrece lo último en durabilidad y funcionalidad con un estilo majestuoso que ninguna otra línea de pisos puede igualar. La esencia natural representa la artesanía de lujo y suprema y está diseñada con los más altos estándares ecológicos y amigables. Bienvenido a la familia Lions Floor, donde vivir el lujo es asequible.

  • On Sale

    Lions Floor, The Bloom Collection, Laminate Flooring, in Mont Blanc Color

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    Lions Floor, The Bloom Collection, Laminate Flooring, in Milky Way Color

    Original price was: $2.73.Current price is: $1.99. sq. ft.

  • On Sale

    Lions Floor, The Bloom Collection, Laminate Flooring, in Twilight Color

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    Lions Floor, The Bloom Collection, Laminate Flooring, in Twilight Color

    Original price was: $2.73.Current price is: $1.99. sq. ft.

  • Lions Floor, Trenta Collection 60″ x 9″ x 6.5 mm SPC Vinyl Flooring in Candela Amber Color – Prices so low, we can’t advertise them on internet or in print. Call us for more info!!

    0 out of 5

    Candela Amber 9″, SPC Flooring is equipped with wood grain embossed decorative film on the surface which replicates the beauty of natural wood. The high standard 20 mil wear layer provides essential scratch resistance. It’s also 100% waterproof.


    * Candela Amber 9 “, SPC Flooring está equipado con una película decorativa con relieve de grano de madera en la superficie que reproduce la belleza de la madera natural. La capa de desgaste de alto estándar de 20 mil ofrece resistencia esencial a los arañazos. También es 100% impermeable.

  • Lions Floor, Trenta Collection 60″ x 9″ x 6.5 mm SPC Vinyl Flooring in Daisy Pearl Color – Prices so low, we can’t advertise them on internet or in print. Call us for more info!! BY ORDER ONLY

    0 out of 5

    Daisy Pearl 9″ SPC Flooring is equipped with wood grain embossed decorative film on the surface which replicates the beauty of natural wood. The high standard 20 mil wear layer provides essential scratch resistance. It’s also 100% waterproof.


    *El piso Daisy Pearl 9 “SPC está equipado con una película decorativa con relieve de grano de madera en la superficie que reproduce la belleza de la madera natural. La capa de desgaste de alto estándar de 20 mil proporciona resistencia esencial a los arañazos. También es 100% impermeable.

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